(Invite-Only) Next-generation digital public infrastructure

In a world that moves towards Web3 and decentralisation, the concept and applications of digital public infrastructure undergoes a profound transformation. Traditional implementations, which predominantly involved layering digital services atop centralised infrastructure, have effectively fulfilled their roles in catalysing GDP growth and fostering digital financial inclusion by extending access to underserved populations and creating efficiencies. To make a meaningful impact on today and tomorrow’s global landscape, it becomes imperative to reimagine digital public infrastructure. This reimagination must focus on scalability and investment, unlocking the full potential of a truly cross-border and inclusive model accessible to all.

This roundtable will focus on a series of pertinent questions that arise when looking at a next-generation digital public infrastructure: 
- Has the pursuit of an equitable playing field inadvertently imposed limits on the potential for commerce, investment, and innovation?
- As the world moves towards a Web3 world, what are the implications for digital public infrastructure? Do the layers need to evolve and are additional layers or frameworks required? How can Web3 technologies be used to generate even more value?
- Lastly, how can interoperability between different countries be achieved to drive cross-border inclusion?


Staci Warden

Staci Warden

Chief Executive Officer, Algorand Foundation

Ben Gilbey

Ben Gilbey

Senior Vice President, Digital Consumer Solutions, Asia Pacific, Mastercard

Dirk van Quaquebeke

Dirk van Quaquebeke

Managing Partner, BEENEXT Capital Management

Karolis Zemaitis

Karolis Zemaitis

Vice-Minister of the Economy and Innovation, Republic of Lithuania

Kosta Peric

Kosta Peric

Deputy Director, Financial Services for the Poor, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Kwame Oppong

Kwame Oppong

Director, FinTech and Innovation, Bank of Ghana

Cheryl Evans

Cheryl Evans

Director - Lifetime Financial Security, Milken Institute

Gene Hoffman

Gene Hoffman

Chief Executive Officer, Chia Network

Jeremy Fox-Geen

Jeremy Fox-Geen

Chief Financial Officer, Circle

Suresh Sethi

Suresh Sethi

Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Protean eGov Technologies


Pat Patel

Pat Patel

Executive Director, Elevandi

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