Oliver Wuensch

Dr Oliver Wuensch

Partner, Oliver Wyman

Oliver Wünsch is a Partner in Oliver Wyman’s Financial Services practices based in Zurich and co-leads our global work with central banks and financial policy makers. For more than 20 years, he has worked at and with governments, central banks, supervisors, supranational institutions and commercial banks, advising on various aspects of sovereign finance including asset and debt management, macro-economic, monetary and debt policy, financial stability, risk management, financial integrity, stabilization and restructuring of systemic banks, and distressed asset resolution. Before joining Oliver Wyman, he held senior roles at the International Monetary Fund, representing the IMF in sovereign crisis management and lending programs in the Eurozone, where he was responsible for large-scale financial sector stabilization and restructuring programs. Prior to this, he built and headed the strategy department of the newly-founded Swiss Financial Supervisor FINMA, responsible for coordinating the Swiss post-crisis regulatory and supervisory initiatives including Basel III. As representative of the Swiss government and the IMF to committees of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Oliver had leading roles in developing the FSB’s global framework for the resolution of systemic financial firms. Oliver holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Computer Science, and a PhD in Economics from University of Zurich.

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