Antony Lewis

Antony Lewis

Director - Blockchain, Temasek

I work in Temasek's blockchain venture building and investment team. We are focused on building game-changing commercial businesses using decentralised technologies, and invest in these technologies too. Current ventures are in the areas of digital identity, digital assets, and digital money.

Previously I worked at enterprise blockchain firm R3 as Director of Digital Assets (responsible for getting traditional and new financial assets recorded on Corda), and Director of Research (responsible for navigating the blockchain landscape in Asia). I was regarded as the firm's subject matter expert in tokenised money and central bank digital currencies.

Social media: I discuss bitcoins, blockchains, and distributed ledger technology on my personal blog and I tweet from

Book: I wrote "The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains", an essential guide for anyone who needs to learn about cryptocurrencies, ICOs, and business blockchains. Written in plain English, it provides a balanced and hype-free grounding in the essential concepts behind this revolutionary technology. It is available on Amazon and Audible at

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