
Deutsche Bundesbank

The Deutsche Bundesbank is the independent central bank of Germany. It has formed part of the Eurosystem since 1999, sharing responsibility with the other national central banks and the European Central Bank for the single currency, the euro. Eurosystem monetary policy is the Bundesbank's core business area. Its main task is to secure price stability in the euro area. This requires in-depth analyses, a long-term view and impartiality towards individual interests. The Bundesbank's stability policy also relies on support from economic, fiscal and wage policy. In addition, the Bundesbank performs other key tasks at both the national and international level. Amongst these are national supervision of financial institutions, including a role in the European Single Supervisory Mechanism, as well as the areas cash management, payment systems and financial stability. The Bundesbank is involved in many international institutions and committees that are dedicated to stabilising the financial system.