Meet Varun Mittal, Author of "The FinTech Nation: Excellence Unlocked in Singapore"

Meet one of the authors of "The FinTech Nation: Excellence Unlocked in Singapore", Varun Mittal!

The FinTech Nation: Excellence Unlocked in Singapore" is more than just a book; it's a captivating narrative of resilience, determination, and triumph. Dive into the untold stories and exciting journeys of the pioneers who transformed a small island into a global FinTech powerhouse. This book is the gateway for Singapore FinTech Festival audience and FinTech community to understanding the past, present, and future of FinTech in Singapore.

Find him at Hall 3, by the Executive Lounge, to purchase a signed book, or just to ask your burning questions!


Varun Mittal

Varun Mittal

Head of Innovation & Ecosystem, Singlife

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