(Invite-Only) Hyper-scaling: Where profitability meets financial inclusion

Financial inclusion can be accelerated only when you operate at scale. Digital-first financial institutions are best placed to reshape financial services and promote financial inclusion. Technology allows for aggregation which drives financial inclusion. The efficiencies brought about by technology allows innovative institutions to drive down their costs of operations, and therefore make their products and services more accessible to the public.

Hyper-scalability through advanced technology makes firms more resilient and more flexible, and better placed to financially include millions of underbanked and underserved people in emerging markets. Join Oradian’s CEO, Antonio Separovic, and Lowell Campbell, Global Digital Finance Specialist at IFC - World Bank Group and [others], as we discuss how digital finance is creating a more flexible, sustainable industry, and allowing digital-first financial services firms to fulfil that social role.


Lowell Campbell

Lowell Campbell

Global Digital Finance Specialist, International Finance Corporation (IFC)


Antonio Separovic

Antonio Separovic

Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer, Oradian

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