(Invite-Only) Project Savannah: Maximising the potential of digital ESG credentials for MSMEs

While the globalisation of supply chains offers myriad opportunities for MSMEs to scale and access new markets, the call for them to disclose, verify and track their sustainability performances may prove to be a hindrance in accessing the growing pools of green supply chains, business and financing opportunities.

Project Savannah was developed to help these MSMEs overcome the challenges they face in measuring and reporting their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performances. It seeks to do so through capacity building, simplified reporting and more accessible data.

In this session, participants will exchange views on how to strengthen resourcing and incentivisation for MSMEs to undertake such reporting, and how governments, international organisations and private sector players can coordinate support. Additionally, they will discuss how Project Savannah can be scaled more rapidly and efficiently, and to which priority markets, in order for its benefits to be promulgated to areas of greatest need.

This roundtable seeks to establish the foundations for a Project Savannah implementation playbook that outlines deployment strategies, best practices, and actionable steps for current and future participants.


Carrie Suen

Carrie Suen

Senior Advisor, Global Affairs & Sustainability Strategies, Ant Group

Lim Chee Kiong

Lim Chee Kiong

EVP, Group Strategic Programme - Sustainability, Maybank Singapore

Emily Pierce

Emily Pierce

Chief Global Policy Officer, Persefoni AI Inc.

Helge Muenkel

Helge Muenkel

Chief Sustainability Officer, DBS Bank

Saurav Bhattacharyya

Saurav Bhattacharyya

Chief Executive Officer, Proxtera Pte Ltd

Xue Tan

Xue Tan

Head of Business Development - Asia, Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

Aiaze Mitha

Aiaze Mitha

Global Lead, Digital Finance and SDGs, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

H.E. Khaled Albasias

H.E. Khaled Albasias

Director Financial Sector Development, Saudi Central Bank

Zhang Bailing

Zhang Bailing

Head of Green Fintech, APAC, Univers

Lionel Wong

Lionel Wong

Head, Green FinTech Office, Monetary Authority of Singapore

Nicolette Bartlett

Nicolette Bartlett

Chief Impact Officer, CDP

Chris Southgate

Chris Southgate

Sustainability Lead, Microsoft

Dr Ming Tan

Dr Ming Tan

Executive Director for the Tech for Good Institute, Tech for Good Institute


Antony Ruddenklau

Antony Ruddenklau

Global Head of Fintech & Innovation, Financial Services & Partner, KPMG International


John Rwangombwa

John Rwangombwa

Governor, National Bank of Rwanda

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