SME financial literacy and talent development

SMEs have a significant economic impact globally, but many lack the financial knowledge to advance their businesses. Financial literacy is a key component of enabling SMEs to gain the knowledge to grow their businesses. The SFE program will introduce two new courses specifically for SMEs. Key central and development banking leaders will participate in this session to share their experiences in uplifting SMEs and the impact it had in their countries.
This session will delve into the importance of financial literacy for SMEs in order to enable them to grow their companies and have a greater economic impact.


John Rwangombwa

John Rwangombwa

Governor, National Bank of Rwanda

Qamar Saleem

Qamar Saleem

Chief Executive Officer, SME Finance Forum

Professor Zhang Weina

Professor Zhang Weina

Deputy Director of SGFIN, Academic Director of Msc in SGF Programme, National University of Singapore (NUS)

Kwamina Duker

Kwamina Duker

Chief Executive Officer, Development Bank Ghana


Aimee Chiuten

Aimee Chiuten

Deputy Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore

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