Digital economy: Data-driven financial services with trade

As we embark on a new age of Digital Public Infrastructure, how do we take this revolution cross-border? This session brings together pioneers of interoperability with a focussed discussion on the benefits, safeguards and advancements that common, digital frameworks for trade and financial services can bring to SMEs.
Solving the flywheel problem of getting SMEs on digital rails to leverage the solutions being built for them - how do we get started and how do we keep it consistent?


Jeremy Tan

Jeremy Tan

Chief Executive Officer, Liquid Group Pte. Ltd.

Ndungu Thairu

Ndungu Thairu

Deputy Managing Director, Consolidated Bank Ghana

Saurav Bhattacharyya

Saurav Bhattacharyya

Chief Executive Officer, Proxtera Pte Ltd

Nitin Mishra

Nitin Mishra

President & Chief Technology Officer, Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC)


Martha Mghendi-Fisher

Martha Mghendi-Fisher

Founder & Executive Board Chair and Angel Investor, European Women Payments Network (EWPN)

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