Ethical AI or ethical human? The most consequential debate on the future of AI

The increased developments and use of AI across recent years has seen a parallel increase in calls for AI regulation and AI ethics, but what is the best way to do so? Should we invest in creating ethical AI that abide by our values, or should the focus shift to cultivating ethical individuals who wield AI responsibly - in other words, cultivating ethical Human Intelligence (HI). 
In this debate, technologists take to the stage to make a stand. Make your voices heard on which side you stand on, and join us as we attempt to define what the next phase of AI development should look like - ethical AI, or ethical HI? 


Fung Mei Lin

Fung Mei Lin

Co-chair, People Centered Internet

Chris Chang

Chris Chang

Chief Executive Officer, Gradient

Dr Fatmah Baothman

Dr Fatmah Baothman

Board President, AI Society

Dr Margaret Mitchell

Dr Margaret Mitchell

Chief Ethics Scientist, Hugging Face


Dr David Hardoon

Dr David Hardoon

Group Chief Data and AI Officer, Union Bank of the Philippines & Chief Executive Officer, Aboitiz Data Innovation (ADI)

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